
Student Life


CUT has one building for student housing: the first floor is the men’s dormitory with 45 beds; the second, third, fourth, and fifth floors are the women’s dormitories with 236 beds. There are separate entrances for the men’s and women’s dormitories. In practice, each room houses four students; the room is equipped with an air conditioner, table lamps, a ceiling fan, and a cable modem (cables not included). Each room also has an individual telephone number. For the safety of our students, the dormitory has curfew hours.

CUT is located in downtown Banciao City; surrounding areas include many parks, shopping areas, sports and entertainment facilities. Many Eastern and Western-style restaurants and eateries are in the immediate area of campus. As these are very convenient and affordable, CIT does not provide a student cafeteria.


Extracurricular Activities




Arts Clubs – Tao Tao Debating Club/ Cooking Club/ Fenglan Comic Study Club/ Beverage Concoction Club/ Creative Editing Club/ Cross-Strait Economy and Trade Research Club/ Korean Club

Sports Clubs – Basketball Club/ Tennis Club/ Badminton Club/ Volley Ball Club/ Water Activity Club/ Bowling Club/ Ball Games Promotion Club/ O2 Aerobics Club

Community Service Clubs – The Young Women Association/ Good Will Ambassador Association/ Scouts Club/ Tzuhuei Charity Club/ Fountain of Fellowship Club/ Tzuchi Youth Club/ Legal Service Club/ Chung De Service Club/ New Heart Club/ Yen Yang Jung Hsin Service Club/

Leisure Clubs – Hit (Popular) Songs & Music Club/ Folk Dance Club/ Guitar Club/ Band Club/ Hansheng Chinese Traditional Music Club/ Ballroom Dancing Club<br>Entertainment Clubs – Chihlee “Our” Chorus/ Ching Jung Elite Club