Division of International and Cross-Strait Affairs
Dr.Cheng-Hsu Wang,Dean of International and Cross-Strait Affairs
- Deep Root
- Plan for systemized Cross-Strait Economy and Trade and Mainland China Research Program and credit courses in order to help students understand more and have firmer grasps of theories, policies, and practices of cross-strait economy and trade.
- Invite outstanding Mainland Chinese professors to teach and hold lectures.
- Conduct conferences, lectures, and seminars to discuss issues regarding cross-strait economy and trade, information & technology, and management.
- For better teaching results and resources, collect information on cross-strait economy and trade, and compile information on China’s current development status.
- Exchange and Collaborations
- Visit colleges and universities in Mainland China to form a solid foundation for future exchange programs.
- Collaborate with domestic academia to research and share results on issues of cross-strait economy and trade.
- Accept research projects contracted by governmental or private organizations to study the development of cross-strait economy and trade, and evaluate investing in China.
- Exchange information and experience with industry and promote school-industry collaboration.
- Plan for student exchange with China (effective after the government’s authorization).